Thursday, July 12, 2012

Just another day in the life!

So to catch up with Jackson, he is now 7 mos old.  He still loves Mickey mouse, still in cloth diapers and loving it!  We made our first homemade baby food with meat. We made apples and chicken.  Jackson now hates nanners and loves carrots and squash and pears.  I got some new ice cube trays to make his baby food in. They are shaped like stars, any one that knows me knows I have a obsession for stars!

 Jackson loves to eat his baby food now and trys to get it instead of bottles.  He holds his bottle like a big boy now and were starting to switch to sippy cups. 

Our bottles are pretty cool they are the nuk bottles that you can get handles for and the nipple can be taken out to be changed to a sippy nipple so we will save alot of money by just converting his bottles to sippys.  With his cloth diapers we have started using coconut oil as diaper rash cream. I'm surprised at how well it actually works.  We now have completed our stash and I ordered some diapers from a coop to finish the stash! Can't wait on them to get here. Mommy has been back into doing her picture thing and has got a few new customers!

  It's almost August which means a few things, One its almost daddy's birthday which means our first family vacation.  On daddy's birthday weekend every year or the weekend before  we go to Ohio to the Mopar nationals this will be the first year with a little one so we will also be staying a extra day to go to the zoo and the Newport aquarium. The second thing August means is its mommys birthday as well, not sure how we will celebrate it.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Catch up!

So it's been awhile since I last posted. Now to catch up. Jackson is getting so big so fast. He will be 6 mos old tomorrow. For his 6 month birthday he got a big boy car seat. He loves it. 
We got the my ride 65 or something like that by Graco.

 He hates baby food from the store the only kind from the store I have got him to even think about eating was nanners.  His favorite mommy made baby food is apples. 
 He also loves carrots and nanners. 

We are still cloth diapering and I love it. We just got some new fluff mail yesterday. 
I think I about got my stash completed. 
It is very addicting though.
 I got my hair cut off and I love it

 (will post better pics later)

Grandma Susie got Jackson a pool. Since its been raining we still haven't got it set up. Hopefully we get it set up tomorrow.Daddy will have a couple days off soon. Then he took a couple vacation days so we can celebrate our 2 year anniversary!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day! and The past few days update!

Today is mothers day! My very first mothers day! I love being a mommy. It is the greatest thing ever and I have no idea what I would do without my little man, he is my world!  A person really has no idea the love of child until they have their own.I knew I could love a child a lot from my sister having the most amazing kids ever Chloe, Olivia, Gavin and Harper I love them like they are my own but now that I have my own , I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much!
These Kids are my world!
When I heard your heart beat for the first time I knew I loved you. When I saw you for the first time I knew you were my everything. When I held you for the first time I knew you were mine and that was never going to change. On December 3rd 2011 I became a mommy! I will always love you Jackson forever and always!  
I love you Jackson Xavier!
 Now for the update from the past few days! I got some new fluff! I am so addicted to cloth now its not even funny.  We got 3 new diapers and 2 new pairs of baby legs in the mail. They are in the wash now but I will upload pics tomm.  I made Jackson some more homemade baby food. We have made sweet potatoes, peas and acorn squash so far. I have apples, avocados, and carrots to make still. He tried the sweet potatoes and peas so far. I really don't think he is ready for baby food yet so I am going to make the stuff I have bought for baby food and just freeze it for a few weeks until he gets better with the spoon.  He shows a lot of signs of being ready for baby food he just doesn't seem like he knows how to swallow the food yet.  He has been very fussy lately and lots of slobbers and chewing on his fingers , I believe he might be teething. Cloth diapering is still going well and I don't mind it at all and actually enjoy washing them and stuffing them with inserts. If they wasn't so cute and didn't have such cute patterns I am not sure if I would be doing it.   Along with the cloth diapers I will be making my own wipes and wipe solution when my disposables are all gone. Fingers crossed it works out ok. 
I am sure there is more that I am forgetting but for now I will go and do another post tomorrow!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Almost the weekend!

So, I have got behind a couple days.  Jackson is 5 months now . I still can't believe it, seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital getting ready to have a c section.  The little stinker now loves to watch TV.  His favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Club House and yo gaba gaba. He no longer wants mommy to put him to sleep, he wants to lay down and cover his head up with something and whine and spit out his paci until mommy puts it back in about 100 times. His jumperoo is still a favorite. 
Cloth diapering is going well, I actually love it.  I got my wish and got 2 poopy diapers in a row to try out the new sprayer. Unfortunately it was messy, im going to have to learn how to control the spray it has way to much pressure.
Tomorrow grandma Susie is coming over to watch him for a couple hours while mom and dad go on a stupid car road trip thing.  Harper is also coming over in the morning while Danielle works and Bruce goes to Olivias baseball game. 
Chloe is coming to spend the night with us tommorow and I can't wait. I miss the girls and Gavin alot. Since we have had Jack and since they have school I hardly ever get to see them.  We are gonna make cookies and watch movies and work on her scrapbook. 

This to me does not look comfy, but he seemed to think so this is how he ended up going down for a nap LOL

Waiting on the mail! 05/02/12

So today we spent the morning waiting on the mail to go, we were expecting a package from my cousin Jamie! Guess what it came!!! I was so excited I think I squealed lol. What was it you might ask? That's right its my cloth diaper sprayer!!!! I now get to clean poopy peanut butter poop diapers with ease :) Which by the way I am still getting a daily poop except for yesterday we went without one tmi? Maybe but o well!

 Tomorrow my little baby will be 5 months old already. It is so hard to believe that he is getting so big so fast.  We took a trip to town with aunt Bran Bran today, we had taco bell yum! We picked up yet another pair of new shades for Jackson, I think shades and cloth diapers may very well be my next new obsessions.  I ordered a couple new diapers today will post pics when I receive them. But for now here is a pic of Jackson in his new shades !:)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lazy Day

Today was a lazy day. Jackson did manage to poop in cloth again.  I really think he just likes the way it feels or something he usually only goes once every three days.  He has went the last 4 straight.  I really love cloth diapering though, I didn't think I would like it at all. Cloth diapering is a addiction though, I am constantly looking for new prints.
 Sweet Potatoes was a hit last night, hes still not a fan of the spoon, but he did not scream and cry like he did with cereal.  I will try it again tonight and see what happens.
 I made one of the best pizzas ever last night. Tonight we are going to be having hamburger helper blah.  Jackson and I made a trip to the Post office to send out a package, and then back home for a bottle and a nap, naps have became alot shorter and far and few between. If anyone has tips on how to get the little guy to go to sleep without being swaddled, I'd love to hear.  Last night when I went in to check on him when he was whining around restless he was almost rolled over to his stomach so I think its about time to ditch the swaddle me  :( 
This was a saved draft so I am gonna catch up on the last couple of days. Over the weekend Jackson got some new shades, it was also a lazy weekend. We went to visit uncle Johnny and aunt Rosie.
 Yesterday we went to visit aunt Danielle and cousin Harper. I can't hardly believe how big Harper is and how fast she is growing. We made a trip to the license branch then back to aunt Danielle's to help clean house and wash bottles and a mini photo shoot with Jackson and Harper since I didnt have my camera the cell phone had to do :( 
 Sleepy heads fell asleep on the way home!

 Jackson on left and Harper on right

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Baby Food

Today, Brandy and I made Jackson his first baby food!  We made sweet potatoes. I will be making all, or most, of Jackson's baby food.  I am also thinking of switching to cloth wipes when I run out of disposables. I got my order from Amazon this morning with my new pail liner; no more trash bags for his diapers-yay! I can't believe he will be 5 months old in just 8 days; time is flying by! I am still loving the cloth diapers, as well. Just got another package in the mail; spare pail liner, disposable diaper liners (for on the go and until I get a diaper sprayer), and some Grandma Els diaper rash cream.
The new pail liner!  
 Second Package 
Our sweet potatoes vs Gerber. (Brandy needed the pic for class) so thought I might as well share!